Catalysts for Water Resources Protection and Restoration: Applied Social Science Research
Principal Investigator: Mae Davenport
Project Description: Land use models, climate change projections, and persistent water quality and quantity problems highlight the need for cooperation and capacity-building among land use planners, policy-makers, agricultural producers, agricultural advisors, and conservation professionals. This project aims to help agencies, industries, and communities anticipate, respond to, and adapt to changing environmental conditions by reducing uncertainty and empowering people in conservation. We will investigate the social dimensions of land and water use including individual and collective conservation action. This project engages climate and water modelers, social scientists, and natural resource economists with local water users and decision makers to explore opportunities for shared water governance. Our work aims to build capacity among diverse stakeholders to manage water for multiple ecosystem services. In addition to engagement and capacity building, we will develop recommendations for more strategic and equitable water policies and programs.
Project Years: 2017-2021
Funding Source: USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture