Analysis of Sustainable and Equitable Environmental Problem Solving in Rural Communities

Principal Investigator: Mae Davenport

Project Description: Rural communities often have very limited resources and capacities to monitor impacts of land and water use decisions or to engage in sustainable and equitable environmental problem solving (SEEPS). This project will examine human and community responses to environmental change at individual, social, and institutional levels to determine conditions and processes that contribute to or constrain community readiness and capacity for SEEPS. It will also analyze the effects of programs and policies on SEEPs in multiple contexts (e.g., groundwater and surface water protection, invasive species prevention, and recreation and tourism resource sustainability). To assess rural community readiness and capacity for SEEPS and to evaluate the impacts of programs and policies, a community-based and multi-methods research approach will be used. One project study will investigate SEEPS in an impaired Minnesota Watershed and a county park at the watershed outlet. A local study advisory team and study participants will be identified and recruited with the help of project cooperators and local partners. Data will be gathered and analyzed using standard social science research methods including interviews, surveys and focus groups with landowners, resource users and local leaders. Anticipated societal benefits of this work include (1) a clearer understanding of rural community readiness and capacity for SEEPS, (2) practical guidance in building readiness and enhancing capacity in rural communities, (3) decision support frameworks for environmental policy and program development across Minnesota and beyond, and (4) increased recognition of the unique sociocultural effects of environmental change. Geospatial analysis and data synthesis will provide guidance to targeted watershed efforts to engage stakeholders and reach water quality goals.

Project Years: 2015-2019

Funding Source: USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture